By The Fire

Fireside Favourites

All your fireside essentials, from fire screens to log baskets, kindling buckets and coal scuttles, ash buckets and shovels, pokers, grabbers and gloves. Create your cosy fire in style.


As the days shorten and the nights get ever-longer, it's bliss to snuggle up on the sofa next to a fire.   It's the plus side of winter.      ... Flickering flames are mesmeric - we're drawn to flames like moths. And, in some primitive way, making fire is what makes us human! Get in touch with your inner paleolithic self.

In our house, 'laying-the-fire in' is the first job of the day.  Our resident fire-layer is mighty particular about how this task is approached, so it's best not to interfere.   Pyro-pros will always have their own views -so, do you criss-cross kindling, twist or scrunch your paper, do you prepare a bed of coals, do you keep it all woody?   Fire making is an art-form on which no two people (especially spouses) will agree. But, on the basis that the flames are successfully licking up the chimney and there is a radiant warmth suffusing through your bones – here are some ideas to make the most of your fireside.


Homer's Fireside Favourites

  • Fireside set £110
  • Large rattan log basket £140
  • Log carrier £29
  • Coal scuttle £18
  • Log basket £80
  • Recycled leather rugs ~ perfect for beside the fireplace, non slip on stone floors and very durable. from £25 - £189 various sizes available.
  • Hearth brush £6
  • Ash shovel £6
  • Jute log bag £40 - £60
  • Matchstick lighter £7
  • Gauntlet gloves £19
  • Coal tongs £15
  • Wrought iron fire screens from £170-£225
  • Kindling buckets £18
  • Wood shed £180


Carolynne Alexander